Just Starting
11:35 Posted In blank , first , start Edit This 0 Comments » It´s almost December and i still hadn´t write anything in my blog.That is what came to my mind when I saw the date.
It´s true that I started some entries (one being a presentation and the other a post about the book that we have to read ) but I just can´t finish them. I start writing and then I simply go blank. No words come to my mind, I can´t finish the sentence,can´t express what I want to say. And that is stressful.

I hate not being able to explain the things the way I wish.So I simply abandon . Just for a little while before I start to type another entry that has nothing to do with the previous ones.Like this.

I hate not being able to explain the things the way I wish.So I simply abandon . Just for a little while before I start to type another entry that has nothing to do with the previous ones.Like this.
This will be my first post.The most difficult one I think . After all, the hardest thing is to start.